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Form Validator — Formdator is a fully object-oriented package for validating Flutter form fields. Its main benefits, compared to all other similar packages, include:

  • Dependency-free: there is only pure Dart code.
  • Object-oriented mindset: the elements for validation are immutable objects that can be combined in various configurations.
  • Classes with short — yet meaningful — names like Req for required fields; ReqEmail for non-empty, well-formed emails; Len for length constraints; Int for integer-only values; and so on.
  • Easy-to-compose validators: e.g., the command Trim(Email()) produces a validator that trims an email value before validating it.
  • Multiple validation at once: you can apply multiple validation rules at once by using the Pair or Rules classes.
  • Built-in set of compound validators: e.g., to validate an email and limit its length to a maximum of 50 characters, simply use an instance of Email.len(50)write less; do more!

For easier integration with Flutter form fields, every validator implements the call() method. As a result, any validator object can be called as a function — Callable Classes.

Getting Started

The following code snippet demonstrates how you can easily group the Rules, Req, Len and Email classes together to create a kind of 'email-max-50-characters' constraint.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextFormField(
      validator: Rules<String>([ // The "Rules" class performs multiple validations at once.
        Req(blank: 'Please enter the email'), // "blank" is the error message in case of field left blank.
        Len.max(50, long: 'Email length cannot exceed 50 characters'), // "long" is the error message if an input value is too long.
        Email(mal: 'Malformed email'), // "mal" is the error message in case of malformed email.

Or — even better — use the compound validator ReqEmail to perform the same task.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextFormField(
      validator: ReqEmail.len(
        blank: 'Please enter the email',
        mal: 'Malformed email',
        long: 'Email length cannot exceed 50 characters',

The shorter command ReqEmail.len(50) is equivalent to the much longer command Rules<String>([Req(), Len.max(50), Email()]) — write less; do more!

List of Validators

For a complete list of validators with detailed information about each one (constructors, parameters, etc.):

Grouped by Category

  • brazil — validators related to Brazil (BrMobile, BrPhone, Cep, Cnpj, Cpf, etc.).
  • core — core validators (Len, Match text pattern, Pair, Req, Rules, Trim, etc.).
  • logic — validation logic and unit testing (Equal, Ok, Nok, ValueBack).
  • net — internet (Email, Ipv4, Ipv6, MacAddr, Url, etc.).
  • numeric — validators related to numbers or digits (Digit, Hex, Int, Num, etc.).

Demo application

The demo application provides a fully working example, focused on demonstrating exactly four validators in action — Pair, ReqLen, ReqEmail, and Equal. You can take the code in this demo and experiment with it.

To run the demo application:

git clone
cd formdator/example/
flutter run -d chrome

This should launch the demo application on Chrome in debug mode.




Brazil-related validators.
The package's core validators.
FormdatorFormidable Validator.
Validation logic and unit testing.
Internet related validators.
Validators related to numbers or digits.
Types of validators