fromDynamic static method

MinLengthValidator fromDynamic(
  1. dynamic map

Processes the validator object from the given map which must be an actual Map or a Map-like object that supports the [] operator. Any non-null object that is not Map-like will result in an error. A null value will result in a return value of null.

This expects the JSON format:

  "length": <number>,
  "type": "min_length"


static MinLengthValidator fromDynamic(dynamic map) {
  MinLengthValidator result;

  if (map == null) {
    throw Exception('[MinLengthValidator.fromDynamic]: map is null');
  } else {
    assert(map['type'] == kType);

    result = MinLengthValidator(
      length: JsonClass.maybeParseInt(
          ) ??

  return result;