validate method

String? validate({
  1. required BuildContext? context,
  2. required String label,
  3. @visibleForTesting Translator? translator,
  4. required String? value,

Executes each of the validators, in order. This will fail-fast where it will stop walking the list as soon as any validator returns an error.

A return value of null means all validators passed. A non-null response is the error message that can be displayed to the user.

The context is used to attempt to find a valid Translator on the widget tree. This allows applications the ability to provide their own translated strings for error messages.

See also:


String? validate({
  required BuildContext? context,
  required String label,
  @visibleForTesting Translator? translator,
  required String? value,
}) {
  assert(context != null || translator != null);

  final myTranslator = translator ?? Translator.of(context);

  String? error;
  for (var v in validators) {
    error = v.validate(
      label: label,
      translator: myTranslator,
      value: value,

    if (error?.isNotEmpty == true) {

  // Normalize empty strings to `null` for API consistency.
  return error?.isEmpty == true ? null : error;