booleanWithField<TField extends FormField<bool>> method

void booleanWithField<TField extends FormField<bool>>({
  1. required String name,
  2. bool initialValue = false,
  3. PropertyValueTraits? valueTraits,

Defines a new property with bool for both of property value type and form field value type, and preferred form field type TField.

Note that name must be unique, and validators are registered as factories instead of normal closures (function objects) because some validation framework requires live BuildContext to initialize validator, and current Locale of the application should be stored to BuildContext.

TField affects FormFieldFactory generation by form_companion_generator.


void booleanWithField<TField extends FormField<bool>>({
  required String name,
  bool initialValue = false,
  PropertyValueTraits? valueTraits,
}) =>
    addWithField<bool, bool, TField>(
      name: name,
      initialValue: initialValue,
      valueTraits: valueTraits,
      restorableValueFactory: boolRestorableValueFactory,