autovalidate property

bool? autovalidate

If true, generating code set AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction for each FormFields' autovalidateMode named argument. If false, the set value will be AutovalidateMode.disabled. If null (default), autovalidate_by_default configuration option's value will be used.

Default is null.

If you want to control per presenter (or Form) basis, set this property. Else, if you want to control per your team or project basis, set autovalidate_by_default configuration option and do not specify this property. When you want to control per field basis, specify autovalidateMode named argument on form field factories. In summary, priority is following:

  1. Form field fatrories' autovalidateMode arguments.
  2. This autovalidate property value.
  3. autovalidate_by_default configuration option.


final bool? autovalidate;