FormBuilderSegmentedControl<T extends Object> constructor

FormBuilderSegmentedControl<T extends Object>({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required String name,
  3. FormFieldValidator<T>? validator,
  4. T? initialValue,
  5. InputDecoration decoration = const InputDecoration(),
  6. ValueChanged<T?>? onChanged,
  7. ValueTransformer<T?>? valueTransformer,
  8. bool enabled = true,
  9. FormFieldSetter<T>? onSaved,
  10. AutovalidateMode autovalidateMode = AutovalidateMode.disabled,
  11. VoidCallback? onReset,
  12. FocusNode? focusNode,
  13. required List<FormBuilderFieldOption<T>> options,
  14. Color? borderColor,
  15. Color? selectedColor,
  16. Color? pressedColor,
  17. EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,
  18. Color? unselectedColor,

Creates field for selection of a value from the CupertinoSegmentedControl


  Key? key,
  //From Super
  required String name,
  FormFieldValidator<T>? validator,
  T? initialValue,
  InputDecoration decoration = const InputDecoration(),
  ValueChanged<T?>? onChanged,
  ValueTransformer<T?>? valueTransformer,
  bool enabled = true,
  FormFieldSetter<T>? onSaved,
  AutovalidateMode autovalidateMode = AutovalidateMode.disabled,
  VoidCallback? onReset,
  FocusNode? focusNode,
  required this.options,
}) : super(
        key: key,
        initialValue: initialValue,
        name: name,
        validator: validator,
        valueTransformer: valueTransformer,
        onChanged: onChanged,
        autovalidateMode: autovalidateMode,
        onSaved: onSaved,
        enabled: enabled,
        onReset: onReset,
        decoration: decoration,
        focusNode: focusNode,
        builder: (FormFieldState<T?> field) {
          final state = field as _FormBuilderSegmentedControlState<T>;
          final theme = Theme.of(state.context);

          return InputDecorator(
            decoration: state.decoration,
            child: Padding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 10.0),
              child: CupertinoSegmentedControl<T>(
                borderColor: state.enabled
                    ? borderColor ?? theme.primaryColor
                    : theme.disabledColor,
                selectedColor: state.enabled
                    ? selectedColor ?? theme.primaryColor
                    : theme.disabledColor,
                pressedColor: state.enabled
                    ? pressedColor ?? theme.primaryColor
                    : theme.disabledColor,
                groupValue: state.value,
                children: <T, Widget>{
                  for (final option in options)
                    option.value: Padding(
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0),
                      child: option,
                padding: padding,
                unselectedColor: unselectedColor,
                onValueChanged: (value) {
                  if (state.enabled) {
                  } else {