FormBlocSubmitting<SuccessResponse, FailureResponse> constructor

FormBlocSubmitting<SuccessResponse, FailureResponse>({
  1. Map<int, bool> isValidByStep = const {},
  2. bool isEditing = false,
  3. double progress = 0.0,
  4. bool isCanceling = false,
  5. Map<int, Map<String, FieldBloc<FieldBlocStateBase>>> fieldBlocs = const {},
  6. int currentStep = 0,

progress must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to 1.0.

  • If progress is less than 0, it will become 0.0
  • If progress is greater than 1, it will become 1.0


  Map<int, bool> isValidByStep = const {},
  bool isEditing = false,
  double progress = 0.0,
  this.isCanceling = false,
  Map<int, Map<String, FieldBloc>> fieldBlocs = const {},
  int currentStep = 0,
})  : assert(progress >= 0.0 && progress <= 1.0),
      progress = progress.clamp(0.0, 1.0),
        isValidByStep: isValidByStep,
        isEditing: isEditing,
        fieldBlocs: fieldBlocs,
        currentStep: currentStep,