updatePubspec method

Future<void> updatePubspec(
  1. List<String> fontFamilies,
  2. String outputDirPath,
  3. String pubspecPath


Future<void> updatePubspec(List<String> fontFamilies, String outputDirPath,
    String pubspecPath) async {
  final pubspecFile = File(pubspecPath);

  // Reading the output pubspec.yaml file
  final pubspecContent = await pubspecFile.readAsString();

  // Parse the YAML content
  final pubspecYamlCustom = loadYamlCustom(pubspecContent);
  final pubspecYaml = loadYaml(pubspecYamlCustom.afterFlutter);

  final newFontsSection = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
  for (var fontFamily in fontFamilies) {
    // We can actually not copy the fonts, and then search the font files directly from the
    // package lib/font folder using this same search
    final fontFiles = Directory(outputDirPath.fixPath)
        .where((file) {
      return path.basenameWithoutExtension(file.path).startsWith(fontFamily);
    }).map((e) {
      return File(e.path.replaceAll('\\', '/'));

    final fontsList = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
    for (var fontFile in fontFiles) {
      final fontWeight =
      final weight = _getFontWeight(fontWeight);
      final assetPath =
          path.join(outputDirPath, path.basename(fontFile.path)).fixPath;

      final fontMap = {
        'asset': assetPath,
        if (weight != null) 'weight': weight,
      'family': fontFamily,
      'fonts': fontsList,

  final mutablePubspecYaml = Map<String, dynamic>.from(pubspecYaml ?? {});
  final flutterSection =
      Map<String, dynamic>.from(mutablePubspecYaml['flutter'] ?? {});

  flutterSection['fonts'] = newFontsSection;
  mutablePubspecYaml['flutter'] = flutterSection;

  StringBuffer stringBuffer = StringBuffer();

  final yamlWriter = YamlWriter();
  var newPart = yamlWriter.write(mutablePubspecYaml);

  for (var o in pubspecYamlCustom.beforeFlutter) {

  await pubspecFile.writeAsString(stringBuffer.toString());
      AnsiStyles.greenBright.bold("\n✔ pubspec.yaml updated successfully."));