fluwx library
Fluwx is a powerful plugin for WeChatSDK. easy to use.
A open sou;rce project authorized by OpenFlutter.
- AuthType
- AutoDeduct
- Browser
- Open WeChat browser with given url.
- BusinessView
- see * https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3_partner/Offline/apis/chapter6_2_1.shtml
- CustomerServiceChat
- Fluwx
- HongKongWallet
- request Hong Kong Wallet payment with WeChat. Read the official document for more detail.
- Invoice
- MiniProgram
- open mini-program see WXMiniProgramType
- NormalAuth
- The WeChat-Login is under Auth-2.0 This method login with native WeChat app. For users without WeChat app, please use QRCode instead This method only supports getting AuthCode,this is first step to login with WeChat Once AuthCode got, you need to request Access_Token For more information please visit:
- OpenType
- Payment
- request payment with WeChat. Read the official document for more detail. timestamp is int because timestamp will be mapped to Unit32.
- PayType
- PhoneLogin
- Currently only support iOS
- QRCode
- Sometimes WeChat is not installed on users's devices.However we can request a QRCode so that we can get AuthCode by scanning the QRCode All required params must not be null or empty schemeData only works on iOS see * https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showdocument?action=dir_list&t=resource/res_list&verify=1&id=215238808828h4XN&token=&lang=zh_CN
- RankList
- Rank list
- SubscribeMessage
- See *https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/One-time_subscription_info.html for more detail
- WeChatApp
- Just open WeChat app.
- WeChatAuthByQRCodeFinishedResponse
- WeChatAuthGotQRCodeResponse
- qrCode in memory.
- WeChatAuthResponse
- WeChatFile
- WeChatLaunchFromWXRequest
- WeChatLaunchMiniProgramResponse
- WeChatOpenBusinessViewResponse
- WeChatOpenBusinessWebviewResponse
- WeChatOpenCustomerServiceChatResponse
- WeChatOpenInvoiceResponse
- WeChatPaymentResponse
- WeChatQRCodeScannedResponse
- WeChatResponse
source the file you want to share,
is necessary on iOS. scene can't beWeChatScene.TIMELINE
, otherwise, sharing nothing. send files to WeChat - source the image you want to send to WeChat scene the target you want to send
hdImageData only works on iOS, not sure the relationship
the default value is
- if musicUrl and musicLowBandUrl are both provided, only musicUrl will be used.
- source the text you want to send to WeChat scene the target you want to send
- if videoUrl and videoLowBandUrl are both provided, only videoUrl will be used.
webPage url you want to send to wechat
logo of your website - WeChatShowMessageFromWXRequest
- WeChatSubscribeMsgResponse
- defaultSuffixJpeg → const String
- defaultSuffixTxt → const String
- WeChatResponseSubscriber = void Function(WeChatResponse response)