Scroll constructor

  1. required String within,
  2. required String until,
  3. double speed = 40,
  4. int? timeout,
  5. AxisDirection direction = AxisDirection.down,

Scroll within a node with a given direction until a child node is found.

This action can be invoked as followed:

- scroll:
    within: "Your List View"
    until: "Your List Item"
    direction: up # Defaults to down
    timeout: 5000 # In milliseconds, default is 10 seconds
    speed: 10 # Defaults to 40


  required this.within,
  required this.until,
  this.speed = 40,
  int? timeout,
  this.direction = AxisDirection.down,
}) : timeout = Duration(milliseconds: timeout ?? 100000);