resolve method

Action resolve(
  1. dynamic data

Creates an action from the given arguments.


Action resolve(dynamic data) {
  // If the data is not a map, check if the action has a short-hand. If it
  // does, then we can assume that the data is the short-hand value.
  if (data is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
    if (shortHand != null) {
      return Function.apply(actionFactory, [], {shortHand!: data}) as Action;
    if (data == null) {
      return Function.apply(actionFactory, []) as Action;
    throw Exception('Invalid data type: ${data.runtimeType}');

  final namedParameters =, value) {
    for (final alias in aliases) {
      if (alias.aliases.contains(key)) {
        return MapEntry(alias.key, value);
    return MapEntry(Symbol(key), value);

  return Function.apply(actionFactory, [], namedParameters) as Action;