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fluttils is a package that helps you to write less code in your application by selecting some frequently used patterns and extracting them into new classes or functions, avoiding you having to creating those patterns by yourself or rewriting them every time you develop a new application.


  • Using BuildContext extension methods:
void _(BuildContext context, Widget widget) {
  // fluttils:
  // flutter: 

  Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute((_) => widget));
  context.push(widget, replace: true);
  Navigator.of(context).pushReplacement(MaterialPageRoute((_) => widget));

  • Using Text with a list of parameters:
import 'package:fluttils/fluttils.dart' as f;

void _(String label) {
    // fluttils:
    // flutter: 
    f.Text(label, [Colors.red]);
    Text(label, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.red));
    f.Text(label, [Colors.white, TextAlign.center, FontWeight.bold]);
    Text(label, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), textAlign: TextAlign.center);
  • Using a simplified Padding widget:
import 'package:fluttils/fluttils.dart' as f;

void _(Widget widget) {
  // fluttils:
  // flutter: 

  f.Padding(all: 5, child: widget);
  Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(5), child: widget);

  f.Padding(height: 1, width: 3, child: widget);
  Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 1, horizontal: 3), child: widget);
  f.Padding(all: 4, left: 2, child: widget);
  Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 2, right: 4, top: 4, bottom: 4), child: widget);
  f.Padding(all: 10, left: 15, height: 20, child: widget);
  Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 15, right: 10, top: 20, bottom: 20), child: widget);    
  • Using MapStack as a replacement to Stack in basic scenarios:
import 'package:fluttils/fluttils.dart' as f;

void _() {
  // fluttils:
  // flutter: 

  f.MapStack({Alignment.center: Text("a")});
  Stack(children: [Align(alignment: Alignment.center, child: Text("a"))]);

    Alignment.topLeft: Icon(Icons.right_arrow),
    Alignment.bottomRight: Icon(Icons.add),
  Stack(children: [
    Align(alignment: Alignment.topLeft, child: Icon(Icons.right_arrow)),
    Align(alignment: Alignment.bottomRight, child: Icon(Icons.add)),
  • Using an easier-to-configure Visibility widget:
import 'package:fluttils/fluttils.dart' as f;

void _(Widget widget) {
  f.Visibility(visible: false, child: widget);
  Visibility(visible: false, child: widget);
  f.Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, level: f.VisibilityLevel.state());
  Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, maintainState: true);

  f.Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, level: f.VisibilityLevel.animation());
  Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, maintainState: true, maintainAnimation: true);
  f.Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, level: f.VisibilityLevel.size());
  Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, maintainState: true, maintainAnimation: true, maintainSize: true);

  f.Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, level: f.VisibilityLevel.size(maintainSemantics: true));
  Visibility(visible: false, child: widget, maintainState: true, maintainAnimation: true, maintainSize: true, maintainSemantics: true);

See the docs for a list of all widgets, functions and extensions provided by the package.

