StringUtils extension Extensions




camelCase String?
Return this String in camelcase format.
no setter
capitalize String?
Return this String all capitalized.
no setter
capitalizeFirst String?
Return this String starting with a capital letter.
no setter
isAlphabetOnly bool
Is this String all alphabetical characters?
no setter
isAPKFileName bool
Is this String is an APK file?
no setter
isAudioFileName bool
Is this String an Audio file?
no setter
isBinary bool
Is this String a Binary character string?
no setter
isBool bool
Is this String a boolean value?
no setter
isCnpj bool
Is this String is Cnpj character string?
no setter
isCpf bool
Is this String is a Cpf character string?
no setter
isCurrency bool
Is this String a currency?
no setter
isDateTime bool
Is this String a DateTime value?
no setter
isDocumentFileName bool
Is this String a Word file?
no setter
isEmail bool
Is this String an Email?
no setter
isExcelFileName bool
Is this String an Excel file?
no setter
isHexadecimal bool
Is this String an Hexadecimal character string?
no setter
isHTMLFileName bool
Is this String an HTML file?
no setter
isImageFileName bool
Is this String an Image file?
no setter
isIPv4 bool
Is this String a IPv4 character string?
no setter
isIPv6 bool
Is this String a IPv6 character string?
no setter
isMD5 bool
Is this String
no setter
isNum bool
Is this String a number?
no setter
isNumericOnly bool
Is this String all numeric characters?
no setter
isPalindrom bool
Is this String a Palindrom?
no setter
isPassport bool
This string is a Passport value?
no setter
isPDFFileName bool
Is this String is an PDF file?
no setter
isPhoneNumber bool
Is this String a phone number?
no setter
isPPTFileName bool
Is this String an PPT file?
no setter
isSHA1 bool
Is this String a SHA1 character string?
no setter
isSHA256 bool
Is this String a SHA256 character string?
no setter
isTxtFileName bool
Is this String a txt file?
no setter
isURL bool
Is this String a URL?
no setter
isVectorFileName bool
Is this String a Vector?
no setter
isVideoFileName bool
Is this String a Video file?
no setter
paramCase String?
Return this String to param case format.
no setter
removeAllWhitespace String
Return this String with no blanks.
no setter


capitalizeAllWordsFirstLetter() String
capitalize only first letter in String words to upper case
createPath([Iterable? segments]) String
Return this String as a path with optional segments inserted.
isCaseInsensitiveContains(String b) bool
Does the provided string contained in this string?
isCaseInsensitiveContainsAny(String b) bool
Does any of the string value contained in this string?
numericOnly({bool firstWordOnly = false}) String
Return this String with only numbers.