initAsync method
Asynchronous operations must complete successfully.
Future<bool> initAsync() async {
// Always return true. It's got to continue for now.
const init = true;
// No 'setState()' functions are allowed to fully function at this point.
// _setStateAllowed = false;
int cnt = 0;
StateXController con;
// While loop the active list itself so to allow for additional controllers to be added in a previous initAsync()
while (cnt < controllerList.length) {
con = controllerList[cnt];
try {
final init = await con.initAsync();
if (!init) {
// Note the failure but ignore it
final e = Exception('${con.runtimeType}.initAsync() returned false!');
_initAsyncError(e, con);
} catch (e) {
// Pass the error to the controller to handle
_initAsyncError(e, con);
// Have it handled by an error handler.
_setStateAllowed = true;
/// No 'setState()' functions are necessary
_setStateRequested = false;
assert(() {
if (_printEvents) {
debugPrint('============ Event: initAsync() in $this');
return true;
return init;