forEachState method

bool forEachState(
  1. void func(
    1. StateX<StatefulWidget> state
    ), {
  2. bool? reversed,

To externally 'process' through the State objects. Invokes func on each StateX possessed by this StateX object. With an option to process in reversed chronological order


bool forEachState(void Function(StateX state) func, {bool? reversed}) {
  bool each = true;
  Iterable<StateX> list;
  // In reversed chronological order
  if (reversed != null && reversed) {
    list = _MapOfStates._states.values.toList(growable: false).reversed;
  } else {
    list = _MapOfStates._states.values.toList(growable: false);
  for (final StateX state in list) {
    try {
      if (state.mounted && !state.deactivated) {
    } catch (e, stack) {
      each = false;
      // Record the error
      if (this is StateX) {
        (this as StateX).recordException(e, stack);
  return each;