setiOSThemeData method
Assigning the Cupertino theme
CupertinoThemeData? setiOSThemeData(BuildContext context) {
CupertinoThemeData? cupertinoThemeData = _iOSTheme ?? oniOSTheme();
if (_allowChangeTheme) {
// If a saved preference
final theme = v.App.iOSThemeData;
if (theme != null) {
cupertinoThemeData = theme;
if (cupertinoThemeData == null) {
// Possibly Material can provide
final themeData = _theme ?? onTheme() ?? v.App.themeData;
if (themeData == null) {
// The original theme
v.App.iOSThemeData ??= CupertinoTheme.of(context).resolveFrom(context);
} else {
// Assign the provided theme
v.App.iOSThemeData = themeData;
cupertinoThemeData = v.App.iOSThemeData;
} else {
v.App.iOSThemeData = cupertinoThemeData;
return cupertinoThemeData;