AppErrorHandler constructor

  1. FlutterExceptionHandler? handler,
  2. ErrorWidgetBuilder? screen,
  3. ReportErrorHandler? report,
  4. bool? presentError,
  5. bool? allowNewErrorHandlers,
  6. ParagraphStyle? paragraphStyle,
  7. TextStyle? textStyle,
  8. EdgeInsets? padding,
  9. double? minimumWidth,
  10. Color? backgroundColor,

Singleton Pattern with only one instance of this Error Handler. Optionally supply the Error handler, Builder, and Report routines.


factory AppErrorHandler({
  FlutterExceptionHandler? handler,
  ErrorWidgetBuilder? screen,
  ReportErrorHandler? report,
  bool? presentError,
  bool? allowNewErrorHandlers,
  i.ParagraphStyle? paragraphStyle,
  i.TextStyle? textStyle,
  EdgeInsets? padding,
  double? minimumWidth,
  Color? backgroundColor,
}) {
  _this ??= AppErrorHandler._();

  /// Allows you to set an error handler more than once.
    handler: handler,
    screen: screen,
    report: report,
    presentError: presentError,
    allowNewErrorHandlers: allowNewErrorHandlers,
    paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle,
    textStyle: textStyle,
    padding: padding,
    minimumWidth: minimumWidth,
    backgroundColor: backgroundColor,

  return _this!;