AppStateExtension extension
- on
- builder ↔ TransitionBuilder?
if neither routes, or onGenerateRoute was passed.
getter/setter pair
- checkerboardOffscreenLayers ↔ bool?
Checkerboard layers rendered offscreen bitmaps.
getter/setter pair
- checkerboardRasterCacheImages ↔ bool?
Checkerboard raster cache to speed up overall rendering.
getter/setter pair
- color ↔ Color?
Returns the Color passed to the App's View.
getter/setter pair
- context → BuildContext?
Retrieve the 'lastest' context
no setter
- debugPaintBaselinesEnabled ↔ bool?
RenderBox paints a line at its baselines.
getter/setter pair
- debugPaintLayerBordersEnabled ↔ bool?
Layer paints a box around its bound.
getter/setter pair
- debugPaintPointersEnabled ↔ bool?
Objects flash while they are being tapped.
getter/setter pair
- debugPaintSizeEnabled ↔ bool?
Each RenderBox to paint a box around its bounds.
getter/setter pair
- debugRepaintRainbowEnabled ↔ bool?
Overlay a rotating set of colors when repainting layers in checked mode.
getter/setter pair
- debugShowCheckedModeBanner ↔ bool?
Shows a little "DEBUG" banner in checked mode.
getter/setter pair
- debugShowMaterialGrid ↔ bool?
If true, it paints a grid overlay on Material apps.
getter/setter pair
- inDebugger → bool
no setter
- inDebugMode → bool
Determines if running in an IDE or in production.
no setter
- initialRoute ↔ String?
Returns to the initial route used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
- locale ↔ Locale?
Returns the device's every changing Locale.
getter/setter pair
- localeResolutionCallback ↔ LocaleResolutionCallback?
Resolves the App's locale.
getter/setter pair
↔ Iterable<
LocalizationsDelegate> ? -
Returns the App's current localizations delegates.
getter/setter pair
The list of observers for the Navigator for this app.
getter/setter pair
- onGenerateRoute ↔ RouteFactory?
The route generator used when the app is navigated to a named route.
getter/setter pair
- onGenerateTitle ↔ GenerateAppTitle?
Routine used to generate the App's title.
getter/setter pair
- onUnknownRoute ↔ RouteFactory?
Called when onGenerateRoute fails except for the initialRoute.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, WidgetBuilder> ? -
Returns the routes used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
↔ GlobalKey<
ScaffoldMessengerState> ? -
Return the navigator key used by the App's View.
getter/setter pair
- showPerformanceOverlay ↔ bool?
If true, it turns on a performance overlay.
getter/setter pair
- showSemanticsDebugger ↔ bool?
Shows an overlay of accessibility information
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Locale> ? -
getter, supportedLocales, returns a List of the App's locales.
More flexible than an iteration.
getter/setter pair
- title ↔ String?
Returns the title for the App's View.
getter/setter pair
- useCupertino → bool
Indicates if the App is running the Cupertino interface theme.
no setter
- useMaterial → bool
Indicates if the App is running the Material interface theme.
no setter
) → void - Rebuild dependencies to the root State object's InheritedWidget
Object ex) → void - Catch and explicitly handle the error.
String ui) → void - Explicitly change to a particular interface.
BuildContext? context) → void - Link a widget to a InheritedWidget in the root State object.
) → void - same as above. Rebuild dependencies to the root State object's InheritedWidget
) → void - Refresh the 'current/latest' State object and 'root/first' State object.
VoidCallback fn) → void - Refresh the root State object with the passed function.