localeResolutionCallback static method

Locale? localeResolutionCallback(
  1. Locale? preferredLocale,
  2. Iterable<Locale>? supportedLocales

Called by the LocalizationsDelegate. Possibly needed to resolve current Locale.


static Locale? localeResolutionCallback(
    Locale? preferredLocale, Iterable<Locale>? supportedLocales) {
  if (preferredLocale == null) {
    // Retrieve the 'first' locale in the supported locales.
    final locales = _supportedLocales;

    if (locales.isNotEmpty) {
      if (supportedLocales == null) {
        // Use the first supported locale.
        preferredLocale = locales.first;
      } else {
        // Find the first supported locale
        for (final locale in supportedLocales.toList(growable: false)) {
          if (locales.contains(locale)) {
            preferredLocale = locale;
  return preferredLocale;