A package for build aar command hook script of flutterw.


Currently flutter build aar read version from --build-number, and set this version to each Flutter Plugin AAR and Flutter Module AAR.

But consider these situations:

  1. Multi Flutter Modules use same Flutter Plugin and same version, when build with different --build-number, will generate different version AAR of this Flutter Plugin.

    • Here same version AAR of this Flutter Plugin is expected.
  2. Multi Flutter Modules use same Flutter Plugin but different version, when build with same --build-number, will generate same version AAR of this Flutter Plugin.

    • Here different version AAR of thi Flutter Plugin is expected.

To meet these situations, build aar should read version in pubspec.yaml for each Flutter Plugin.

flutterw_build_aar is created to satisfy these expectations.

Note: Flutter Module AAR version will not use --build-number, but the version in pubspec.yaml of the Flutter Module Project.

Basic Usage

Add flutterw_build_aar to Flutter module's dev_dependencies in pubsepc.yaml

  flutterw_build_aar: latest

Config build:aar scripts for flutterw in pubspec.yaml

  build:aar: flutter pub run flutterw_build_aar <args>

After pub get, running flutterw build aar will use flutterw_build_aar to generate plugin AARs with version in there pubspec.yaml.


If you want to publish AARs to internal maven repository, just add --android-project-arg=maven-url=<maven-url>, --android-project-arg=maven-username=<maven-username> and --android-project-arg=maven-password=<maven-password> to flutterw build aar.

This will publish each Flutter Plugin AAR and Flutter Module AAR to the given maven repository

  • use authentication with
  • If the version of Flutter Plugin AAR already exists, skip publishing.
  • If the version of Flutter Module AAR already exists, throw a RuntimeException.


See the example
