showToast static method

Future<bool?> showToast({
  1. required String msg,
  2. Toast? toastLength,
  3. int timeInSecForIosWeb = 1,
  4. double? fontSize,
  5. ToastGravity? gravity,
  6. Color? backgroundColor,
  7. Color? textColor,
  8. bool webShowClose = false,
  9. dynamic webBgColor = "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)",
  10. dynamic webPosition = "right",

Summons the platform's showToast which will display the message

Wraps the platform's native Toast for android. Wraps the Plugin for iOS Wraps the for Web

Parameter msg is required and all remaining are optional


static Future<bool?> showToast({
  required String msg,
  Toast? toastLength,
  int timeInSecForIosWeb = 1,
  double? fontSize,
  ToastGravity? gravity,
  Color? backgroundColor,
  Color? textColor,
  bool webShowClose = false,
  webBgColor = "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)",
  webPosition = "right",
}) async {
  String toast = "short";
  if (toastLength == Toast.LENGTH_LONG) {
    toast = "long";

  String gravityToast = "bottom";
  if (gravity == ToastGravity.TOP) {
    gravityToast = "top";
  } else if (gravity == ToastGravity.CENTER) {
    gravityToast = "center";
  } else {
    gravityToast = "bottom";

//lines from 78 to 97 have been changed in order to solve issue #328
  if (backgroundColor == null) {
    backgroundColor =;
  if (textColor == null) {
    textColor = Colors.white;
  final Map<String, dynamic> params = <String, dynamic>{
    'msg': msg,
    'length': toast,
    'time': timeInSecForIosWeb,
    'gravity': gravityToast,
    'bgcolor': backgroundColor.value,
    'iosBgcolor': backgroundColor.value,
    'textcolor': textColor.value,
    'iosTextcolor': textColor.value,
    'fontSize': fontSize,
    'webShowClose': webShowClose,
    'webBgColor': webBgColor,
    'webPosition': webPosition

  bool? res = await _channel.invokeMethod('showToast', params);
  return res;