showToast method

dynamic showToast(
  1. dynamic args

showToast which parses the required arguments and pass it to addHtmlToast


showToast(args) {
  String msg = args['msg'];
  String? gravity = "top";
  if (args['gravity'] == "top" || args['gravity'] == "bottom") {
    gravity = args["gravity"];

  String position = args['webPosition'] ?? 'right';

  String bgColor =
      args['webBgColor'] ?? "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)";

  int? textColor = args['textcolor'];

  int time = args['time'] == null
      ? 3000
      : (int.parse(args['time'].toString()) * 1000);

  bool showClose = args['webShowClose'] ?? false;

      msg: msg,
      gravity: gravity,
      position: position,
      bgcolor: bgColor,
      showClose: showClose,
      time: time,
      textColor: textColor);