Flutterstrap is a package to create responsive layouts in flutter projects. Designed to handle responsive layouts in Flutter web projects, it works for any platform.
Inspired to Bootstrap framework
Try at demo on DartPad
Getting Started
Follow these steps to use this package
Add dependency
flutterstrap_ui: ^1.0.0
Add import package
import 'package:flutterstrap_ui/flutterstrap.dart';
Easy to use
Simple example of use Flutterstrap Put this code in your project and learn how it works 😊
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ResponsiveContainer(children: [
child: const Card(child: Center(child: Text('box 1'))),
child: const Card(child: Center(child: Text('box 2'))),
child: const Card(child: Center(child: Text('box 3'))),
child: const Card(child: Center(child: Text('box 4'))),
ResponsiveContainer is the basic layout element. Default grid system is setted to 12 columns but you can override cols number using layoutColumns parameter. You can also modify mode parameter to choose container width:
- Use ContainerMode.container to set max-width at each responsive breakpoint;
- Use ContainerMode.containerFluid set width at 100% at each breakpoints.
ContainerMode.container breakpoint width size
xs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl |
100% | 540px | 720px | 960px | 1140px | 1320px |
Default breakpoint sizes for every ResponsiveColumn are:
breakpoint | identifier | columns |
Extra Small | xs | 12 |
Small | sm | 12 |
Medium | md | 6 |
Large | lg | 6 |
Extra Large | xl | 3 |
Extra extra Large | xxl | 3 |
Following describing breakpoints:
breakpoint | dimensions |
xs | <576px |
sm | ≥576px |
md | ≥768px |
lg | ≥992px |
xl | ≥1200px |
xxl | ≥1400px |
All contributions are welcome!
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learned, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.