variantTwo static method
- required String titleText,
- required String subTitleText,
- int? animationIndex,
- AnimationArguments? animationArguments,
- TextStyle? titleStyle,
- TextStyle? subtitleStyle,
- Alignment? titleAlignment,
- Alignment? subtitleAlignment,
- TextAlign? titleTextAlignment,
- TextAlign? subtitleTextAlignment,
- Widget? titleSubTitleSpacing,
- EdgeInsets? padding,
- int? headerFlexUnits,
- int? bodyFlexUnits,
- Widget? titleWidgetReplacement,
- Widget? subtitleWidgetReplacement,
Creates a variant two of KeynoteTitleOnlySlide.
The titleText
is the main title displayed on the slide.
The subTitleText
is a subtitle displayed below the title.
The animationIndex
is the index of the slide for animations.
The animationArguments
is the configuration for the slide animations.
The titleStyle
is the style applied to the title text.
The subtitleStyle
is the style applied to the subtitle text.
The titleAlignment
is the alignment of the title text
within its container.
The subtitleAlignment
is the alignment of the subtitle text
within its container.
The titleTextAlignment
is the text alignment of the title text.
The subtitleTextAlignment
is the text alignment of the subtitle text.
The titleSubTitleSpacing
is the spacing widget placed between
the title and subtitle.
The padding
is the padding applied to the slide's content.
The headerFlexUnits
is the number of flex units for the header section.
The bodyFlexUnits
is the number of flex units for the body section.
The titleWidgetReplacement
is a replacement widget for the title text.
The subtitleWidgetReplacement
is a replacement widget
for the subtitle text.
Returns a KeynoteTitleOnlySlide instance with the specified configuration.
static KeynoteTitleOnlySlide variantTwo({
required String titleText,
required String subTitleText,
int? animationIndex,
AnimationArguments? animationArguments,
TextStyle? titleStyle,
TextStyle? subtitleStyle,
Alignment? titleAlignment,
Alignment? subtitleAlignment,
TextAlign? titleTextAlignment,
TextAlign? subtitleTextAlignment,
Widget? titleSubTitleSpacing,
EdgeInsets? padding,
int? headerFlexUnits,
int? bodyFlexUnits,
Widget? titleWidgetReplacement,
Widget? subtitleWidgetReplacement,
}) {
return KeynoteTitleOnlySlide(
titleText: titleText,
subTitleText: subTitleText,
titleStyle: titleStyle ?? KeynoteTextstyles.titleSmall(),
subtitleStyle: subtitleStyle ?? KeynoteTextstyles.subtitleSmall(),
titleAlignment: titleAlignment ?? Alignment.bottomLeft,
subtitleAlignment: subtitleAlignment ?? Alignment.topLeft,
titleTextAlignment: titleTextAlignment,
subtitleTextAlignment: subtitleTextAlignment,
titleSubTitleSpacing: titleSubTitleSpacing,
padding: padding,
headerFlexUnits: headerFlexUnits,
bodyFlexUnits: bodyFlexUnits,
titleWidgetReplacement: titleWidgetReplacement,
subtitleWidgetReplacement: subtitleWidgetReplacement,
animationIndex: animationIndex,
animationArguments: animationArguments,