variantOne static method

KeynoteQuoteSlide variantOne({
  1. required String quoteText,
  2. required String attributionText,
  3. required Gradient quoteGradient,
  4. TextStyle? quoteStyle,
  5. TextStyle? attributionStyle,
  6. TextAlign? quoteTextAlignment,
  7. TextAlign? attributionTextAlignment,
  8. Alignment? quoteAlignment,
  9. Alignment? attributionAlignment,
  10. Widget? quoteAttributionSpacing,
  11. EdgeInsets? padding,
  12. int? headerFlexUnits,
  13. int? bodyFlexUnits,
  14. Widget? quoteWidgetReplacement,
  15. Widget? attributionWidgetReplacement,
  16. int? animationIndex,
  17. AnimationArguments? animationArguments,

Creates a variant of the KeynoteQuoteSlide with specific configurations.

quoteText is the text of the quote.

attributionText is the text of the attribution.

quoteGradient is the gradient to apply to the quote.

quoteStyle is the style for the quote text.

attributionStyle is the style for the attribution text.

quoteTextAlignment is the alignment for the quote text.

attributionTextAlignment is the alignment for the attribution text.

quoteAlignment is the alignment for the quote text widget.

attributionAlignment is the alignment for the attribution text widget.

quoteAttributionSpacing is the widget to provide spacing between the quote and attribution.

padding is the padding around the slide.

headerFlexUnits is the flex units for the header section.

bodyFlexUnits is the flex units for the body section.

quoteWidgetReplacement is the replacement widget for the quote text.

attributionWidgetReplacement is the replacement widget for the attribution text.

animationIndex is the index used for controlling the animation of the slide.

animationArguments is the animation arguments for animating the slide.


static KeynoteQuoteSlide variantOne({
  required String quoteText,
  required String attributionText,
  required Gradient quoteGradient,
  TextStyle? quoteStyle,
  TextStyle? attributionStyle,
  TextAlign? quoteTextAlignment,
  TextAlign? attributionTextAlignment,
  Alignment? quoteAlignment,
  Alignment? attributionAlignment,
  Widget? quoteAttributionSpacing,
  EdgeInsets? padding,
  int? headerFlexUnits,
  int? bodyFlexUnits,
  Widget? quoteWidgetReplacement,
  Widget? attributionWidgetReplacement,
  int? animationIndex,
  AnimationArguments? animationArguments,
}) {
  return KeynoteQuoteSlide(
    quoteText: quoteText,
    attributionText: attributionText,
    quoteGradient: quoteGradient,
    quoteStyle: quoteStyle ?? KeynoteTextstyles.quote(),
    attributionStyle: attributionStyle ?? KeynoteTextstyles.attribution(),
    quoteTextAlignment: quoteTextAlignment,
    attributionTextAlignment: attributionTextAlignment,
    quoteAlignment: quoteAlignment ?? Alignment.bottomCenter,
    attributionAlignment: attributionAlignment ?? Alignment.bottomCenter,
    quoteAttributionSpacing: quoteAttributionSpacing,
    padding: padding,
    headerFlexUnits: headerFlexUnits,
    bodyFlexUnits: bodyFlexUnits,
    quoteWidgetReplacement: quoteWidgetReplacement,
    attributionWidgetReplacement: attributionWidgetReplacement,
    animationIndex: animationIndex,
    animationArguments: animationArguments,