
A video player implementation for flutter-pi.

Note this only works on a Raspberry Pi with flutter-pi and gstreamer installed, not on any other platform, even though though platform tags of the pub.dev package may seem to suggest otherwise.

Example usage

To use this package in your app, execute FlutterpiVideoPlayer.registerWith() in main, before the runApp call. Ideally you only do this when you're sure the platform code is present.

Example code:

void main() {

Then you just use the widgets/classes of the official video_player package. chewie is good for more high-level playback.

Advanced features

In addition to what the official video_player package provides, this video player implementation has some additional features that might be interesting. The advanced features are also used in the example.

1. Playing raw gstreamer pipelines

You can create a VideoPlayerController using a raw gstreamer pipeline, like here:

void initState() {
    _controller = _FlutterpiVideoPlayerController.withGstreamerPipeline('libcamerasrc ! queue ! appsink name="sink"');

In this case the video player will show the camera preview using libcamera.

2. Single-frame stepping

You can step through the video playback. When stepForward or stepBackward is called, the video playback will pause. I.e. you need to call _controller.play() again to resume it.

late VideoPlayerController _controller;

void initState() {
    _controller = VideoPlayerController.network(

void stepForward() {

void stepBackward() {

3. Fast seeking

You can seek to the nearest keyframe instead, which is way faster than seeking to an exact position.

late VideoPlayerController _controller;

void initState() {
    _controller = VideoPlayerController.network(

void doFastSeek() {
    _controller.fastSeek(Duration(seconds: 5));