FluttermojiCustomizer constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. double? scaffoldHeight,
  3. double? scaffoldWidth,
  4. FluttermojiThemeData? theme,
  5. List<String>? attributeTitles,
  6. List<String>? attributeIcons,
  7. bool autosave = true,

Creates a widget UI to customize the Fluttermoji

You may provide a FluttermojiThemeData instance to adjust the appearance of this widget to your app's theme.

Accepts optional scaffoldHeight and scaffoldWidth attributes to override the default layout.

It is advised that a FluttermojiCircleAvatar also be present in the same page. to show the user a preview of the changes being made.


  Key? key,
  FluttermojiThemeData? theme,
  List<String>? attributeTitles,
  List<String>? attributeIcons,
  this.autosave = true,
})  : assert(
        attributeTitles == null || attributeTitles.length == attributesCount,
        "List of Attribute Titles must be of length $attributesCount.\n"
        " You need to provide titles for all attributes",
        attributeIcons == null || attributeIcons.length == attributesCount,
        "List of Attribute Icon paths must be of length $attributesCount.\n"
        " You need to provide icon paths for all attributes",
      this.theme = theme ?? FluttermojiThemeData.standard,
      this.attributeTitles = attributeTitles ?? defaultAttributeTitles,
      this.attributeIcons = attributeIcons ?? defaultAttributeIcons,
      super(key: key);