maskValidThru function
Mask Valid Thru
Type: String
Use in the masking process of valid thru. It requires the card valid thru and mask type and uses these two params to mask the card valid thru.
String maskValidThru({
required String validThru,
required FMMaskType maskType,
}) {
// getting mask type condition added by the developer
bool full = maskType == FMMaskType.full;
bool none = maskType == FMMaskType.none;
String mask = "0000";
var bufferString = StringBuffer();
// return the valid thru input without validation to avoid length error
if (validThru.length != 5) return validThru;
// remove the "/" from valid thru passed buffer
validThru = validThru.replaceAll("/", "");
if (full) {
mask = "*" * validThru.length;
} else if (none) {
mask = validThru;
// this is to buff the valid thru using / after first 2 characters
for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
var nonZeroIndexValue = i + 1;
if (nonZeroIndexValue % 2 == 0 && nonZeroIndexValue != mask.length) {
// finally return the buffed valid thru
return bufferString.toString();