maskCVV function

String maskCVV({
  1. required String cvv,
  2. required FMMaskType maskType,

Mask CVV

Type: String

Use in the masking process of CVV. It requires the card CVV and mask type and uses these two params to mask the card CVV.


String maskCVV({required String cvv, required FMMaskType maskType}) {
  // getting mask type condition added by the developer
  bool full = maskType == FMMaskType.full;
  bool none = maskType == FMMaskType.none;
  String mask = "000";

  // return the cvv input without validation to avoid length error
  if (cvv.length >= 5) return cvv;

  // checking if cvv is valid

  if (full) {
    mask = "*" * cvv.length;
  } else if (none) {
    mask = cvv;

  // finally return the masked cvv
  return mask;