Elusive class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accessibility → const IconData
address_book → const IconData
address_book_alt → const IconData
adjust → const IconData
adult → const IconData
align_center → const IconData
align_justify → const IconData
align_left → const IconData
align_right → const IconData
arrows_cw → const IconData
asl → const IconData
asterisk → const IconData
attach → const IconData
attach_circled → const IconData
backward → const IconData
backward_circled → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
basket → const IconData
basket_circled → const IconData
behance → const IconData
bell → const IconData
blind → const IconData
block → const IconData
blogger → const IconData
bold → const IconData
book → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmark_empty → const IconData
braille → const IconData
briefcase → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendar_circled → const IconData
camera → const IconData
cancel → const IconData
cancel_circled → const IconData
cancel_circled2 → const IconData
cc → const IconData
certificate → const IconData
chart → const IconData
chart_circled → const IconData
check → const IconData
check_empty → const IconData
child → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clock → const IconData
clock_circled → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloud_circled → const IconData
cog → const IconData
cog_circled → const IconData
cogs → const IconData
comment → const IconData
comment_alt → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compass_circled → const IconData
credit_card → const IconData
css → const IconData
cw → const IconData
cw_circled → const IconData
delicious → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
desktop_circled → const IconData
deviantart → const IconData
digg → const IconData
doc → const IconData
doc_circled → const IconData
doc_new → const IconData
doc_new_circled → const IconData
down → const IconData
down_circled → const IconData
down_hand → const IconData
down_open → const IconData
download → const IconData
download_alt → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
edit → const IconData
edit_alt → const IconData
edit_circled → const IconData
eject → const IconData
error → const IconData
error_alt → const IconData
exclamation → const IconData
export_icon → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eye_off → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
fast_backward → const IconData
fast_forward → const IconData
female → const IconData
filter → const IconData
fire → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flag_circled → const IconData
flickr → const IconData
flight → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folder_circled → const IconData
folder_close → const IconData
folder_open → const IconData
font → const IconData
fontsize → const IconData
forward → const IconData
forward_circled → const IconData
foursquare → const IconData
friendfeed → const IconData
friendfeed_rect → const IconData
gauge → const IconData
gift → const IconData
github → const IconData
github_text → const IconData
glass → const IconData
glasses → const IconData
globe → const IconData
globe_alt → const IconData
googleplus → const IconData
group → const IconData
group_circled → const IconData
guidedog → const IconData
hdd → const IconData
headphones → const IconData
hearing_impaired → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heart_circled → const IconData
heart_empty → const IconData
help → const IconData
help_circled → const IconData
home → const IconData
home_circled → const IconData
inbox → const IconData
inbox_alt → const IconData
inbox_circled → const IconData
indent_left → const IconData
indent_right → const IconData
info_circled → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
iphone_home → const IconData
italic → const IconData
key → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
laptop_circled → const IconData
leaf → const IconData
left → const IconData
left_circled → const IconData
left_hand → const IconData
left_open → const IconData
lightbulb → const IconData
lightbulb_alt → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
list → const IconData
location → const IconData
location_circled → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lock_circled → const IconData
lock_open → const IconData
lock_open_alt → const IconData
magnet → const IconData
mail → const IconData
mail_circled → const IconData
male → const IconData
megaphone → const IconData
mic → const IconData
mic_circled → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minus_circled → const IconData
move → const IconData
music → const IconData
network → const IconData
off → const IconData
ok → const IconData
ok_circled → const IconData
ok_circled2 → const IconData
path → const IconData
pause → const IconData
pause_circled → const IconData
pencil → const IconData
pencil_circled → const IconData
person → const IconData
phone → const IconData
phone_circled → const IconData
photo → const IconData
photo_circled → const IconData
picasa → const IconData
picture → const IconData
pinterest → const IconData
play → const IconData
play_circled → const IconData
play_circled2 → const IconData
plus → const IconData
plus_circled → const IconData
print → const IconData
qrcode → const IconData
quote → const IconData
quote_circled → const IconData
record → const IconData
reddit → const IconData
resize_full → const IconData
resize_full_alt → const IconData
resize_horizontal → const IconData
resize_small → const IconData
resize_vertical → const IconData
retweet → const IconData
right_circled → const IconData
right_hand → const IconData
right_open → const IconData
road → const IconData
rss → const IconData
search_circled → const IconData
share → const IconData
shuffle → const IconData
signal → const IconData
skype → const IconData
slideshare → const IconData
smiley → const IconData
smiley_circled → const IconData
stackoverflow → const IconData
star → const IconData
star_circled → const IconData
star_empty → const IconData
step_backward → const IconData
step_forward → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stop_circled → const IconData
stumbleupon → const IconData
tag → const IconData
tags → const IconData
target → const IconData
tasks → const IconData
text_height → const IconData
text_width → const IconData
th → const IconData
th_large → const IconData
th_list → const IconData
thumbs_down → const IconData
thumbs_up → const IconData
tint → const IconData
torso → const IconData
trash → const IconData
trash_circled → const IconData
tumblr → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
universal_access → const IconData
up → const IconData
up_circled → const IconData
up_hand → const IconData
up_open → const IconData
upload → const IconData
user → const IconData
video → const IconData
video_alt → const IconData
video_chat → const IconData
video_circled → const IconData
videocam → const IconData
view_mode → const IconData
vimeo → const IconData
vkontakte → const IconData
volume → const IconData
volume_down → const IconData
volume_off → const IconData
volume_up → const IconData
w3c → const IconData
warning → const IconData
website → const IconData
website_circled → const IconData
wordpress → const IconData
wrench → const IconData
wrench_circled → const IconData
youtube → const IconData
zoom_in → const IconData
zoom_out → const IconData