
This package is extended from flutterap admin panel Flutterap is a most developer-friendly, highly customizable admin dashboard template based on Flutter. It comes with lots of features that make development easier for you. Website : flutterap.com


Event calendar with the ability to move,drag , add and edit events

Add event

Edit event

Flutterap Event Calender

Add event

Edit event


class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key,});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return  MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        body: SizedBox(

            height: 700,
            child: FxGeogorianEventCalendar(
              onViewChanged: (details){},
              onTapCell: (details){},
              onAddEvent: (details){},
              onEditEvent: (details){},
              onDeleteEvent: (details){},
              onAppointmentResizeEndCell: (details){},
              onAppointmentResizeStartCell: (details){},
              onAppointmentResizeUpdateCell: (details){},
              onDragEndCell: (details){},
              onDragStartCell: (details){},
              onDragUpdateCell: (details){},
              onLongPressCell: (details){},
              onSelectionChangedCell: (details){},



Name Description
onViewChanged Called when Event Calendar page is changed into new month.
onTapCell Called when clicking on the day cell.
onAddEvent Called when an event is added.
onDeleteEvent Called when an event is deleted.
onEditEvent Called when an event is edited.
onAppointmentResizeEndCell Called when appointment cell resizing ends.
onAppointmentResizeStartCell Called when appointment cell resizing starts.
onAppointmentResizeUpdateCell Called when appointment cell resizing updates.
onDragEndCell Called when appointment cell draging ends.
onDragStartCell Called when appointment cell draging starts.
onDragUpdateCell Called when appointment cell draging updates.
onLongPressCell Called when long pressing on the day cell.
onSelectionChangedCell Called when selecting on the day cell.