setUserVolume method

Future<bool> setUserVolume(
  1. String userId,
  2. num volume,
  3. bool isShareAudio

Set the user's local volume. This does not affect how other participants hear the user.
userId the identify of the user
volume the volume of the user
isShareAudio true: if the user is sharing audio, otherwise false
Return true the methods succeeds, otherwise false.


Future<bool> setUserVolume(String userId, num volume, bool isShareAudio) async {
  var params = <String, dynamic>{};
  params.putIfAbsent("userId", () => userId);
  params.putIfAbsent("volume", () => volume);
  params.putIfAbsent("isShareAudio", () => isShareAudio);

  return await methodChannel
      .invokeMethod<bool>('setUserVolume', params)
      .then<bool>((bool? value) => value ?? false);