menuScreenWidget property

Widget menuScreenWidget

Builds the layers of menuScreen


Widget get menuScreenWidget {
  // Add layer - GestureDetector
  Widget menuScreen = GestureDetector(
    behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
    // onTap shouldn't be null to avoid loosing state
    onTap: _menuScreenTapHandler,
    // Full width and hight to make menuScreen behind mainScreen
    child: SizedBox.expand(
      // Without Align, SizedBox won't work
      child: Align(
        alignment: widget.isRtl ? Alignment.topRight : Alignment.topLeft,
        // By default menuScreen width is calculated based on slideWidth
        // Unless user set menuScreenWidth
        child: SizedBox(
          width: widget.menuScreenWidth ??
              widget.slideWidth -
                  (context.screenWidth / widget.slideWidth) -
          child: widget.menuScreen,

  // Add layer - Transform
  if (widget.moveMenuScreen && != DrawerStyle.style1) {
    final left = (1 - _animationValue) * widget.slideWidth * _slideDirection;
    menuScreen = Transform.translate(
      offset: Offset(-left, 0),
      child: menuScreen,
  // Add layer - Overlay color
  // Material widget needs to be set after ColorFilter,
  // Storing Material widget in variable will make
  // ColorFiltered renders only 50% of the width
  if (widget.menuScreenOverlayColor != null) {
    final overlayColor = ColorTween(
      begin: widget.menuScreenOverlayColor,
      end: widget.menuScreenOverlayColor!.withOpacity(0.0),

    menuScreen = ColorFiltered(
      colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode(
      child: ColoredBox(
        color: widget.menuBackgroundColor,
        child: menuScreen,
  } else {
    menuScreen = ColoredBox(
      color: widget.menuBackgroundColor,
      child: menuScreen,

  return menuScreen;