roundTimeToFitGrid function

DateTime roundTimeToFitGrid(
  1. DateTime dateTime, {
  2. Duration gridGranularity = const Duration(minutes: 30),

Takes a dateTime and rounds it to the closest time in an imaginary grid. The granularity of this grid is defined by gridGranularity, which defaults to 30 minutes (that is, times will be rounded to 16:00, or 16:30, or 17:00, and so on).

For example, if the method receives 16:32 as input, it will return 16:30 as the rounded time.


DateTime roundTimeToFitGrid(DateTime dateTime, {Duration gridGranularity = const Duration(minutes: 30)}) {
  int microseconds = (dateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch / gridGranularity.inMicroseconds).round() * gridGranularity.inMicroseconds;
  return DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(microseconds);