convertJsObjectToMap<K, V> static method

Map<K, V> convertJsObjectToMap<K, V>(
  1. Object map, {
  2. K keyConverter(
    1. Object
  3. V valueConverter(
    1. Object

Convert a js map that is a basic js object to a Map with key K and value V.

Set the keyConverter and/ or the valueConverter to change the behaviour on how the keys and/ or values should be converted inside the resulting map. By default if they are not set the castConverter will be used.


static Map<K, V> convertJsObjectToMap<K, V>(final Object map,
    {final K Function(Object)? keyConverter,
    final V Function(Object)? valueConverter}) {
  final List<K> keys = WebBluetoothConverters.convertJSObjectToList(
      _JSUtil.callMethod(map, "keys", []), keyConverter);
  final Map<K, V> converted = {};
  for (final item in keys) {
    converted[item] = valueConverter != null
        ?, "get", [item]))
        : castConverter<V>(_JSUtil.callMethod(map, "get", [item]));
  return converted;