BluetoothScanFilter constructor

  1. List<String>? services,
  2. String? name,
  3. String? namePrefix,
  4. List<BluetoothManufacturerDataFilter>? manufacturerData,
  5. List<BluetoothServiceDataFilter>? serviceData,

The constructor of the request filter.

Because of how the js conversion works setting a value to null is not the same as leaving it undefined. Use BluetoothScanFilterHelper.createScanFilterObject to get around this problem.


external factory BluetoothScanFilter(
    {final List<String>? services,
    final String? name,
    final String? namePrefix,
    final List<BluetoothManufacturerDataFilter>? manufacturerData,
    final List<BluetoothServiceDataFilter>? serviceData});