requestDevice static method

Future<WebBluetoothDevice> requestDevice(
  1. RequestOptions options

Request the use of a device from the user. Calling this will show the user a dialog in which they will be able to select a single device to pair with

If you need to pair with more devices then you will need to request this for each device individually.

Make sure to check getAvailability, and isBluetoothAPISupported or else you may get an Error.



static Future<WebBluetoothDevice> requestDevice(
    final RequestOptions options) async {
  try {
    return await _nativeBluetooth.requestDevice(options).toDart;
  } catch (e) {
    final error = e.toString();
    if (error.startsWith("NotFoundError")) {
      // No devices found or cancelled by the user.
      if (error.toLowerCase().contains("user cancel")) {
        // TODO: check if this is also the message on other browsers!
        throw UserCancelledDialogError(
            error.replaceFirst("NotFoundError", "").replaceFirst(": ", ""));
      throw DeviceNotFoundError(
          error.replaceFirst("NotFoundError", "").replaceFirst(": ", ""));
    } else if (error.startsWith("SecurityError") &&
        error.toLowerCase().contains("gesture")) {
      throw MissingUserGestureError("requestDevice");
    if (e is Error) {
    throw BrowserError(error);