requestAdvertisementDevice abstract method

Future<BluetoothDevice> requestAdvertisementDevice(
  1. AdvertisementBluetoothDevice device, {
  2. List<String> requiredServices = const [],
  3. List<String> optionalServices = const [],

The advertisements stream emits an event with a AdvertisementBluetoothDevice. This device doesn't have a gatt server and can thus not do everything you may want.

This method requests the user to pair to the device.

All this method does is constructs a RequestOptionsBuilder using information from device, requiredServices, and optionalServices and then calls requestDevice.

There is no guarantee that the user only sees 1 option in their pair dialog and thus there is no guarantee that the user pairs the exact same device as the one given.

May throw the same exceptions as requestDevice.

See: requestDevice


Future<BluetoothDevice> requestAdvertisementDevice(
  final AdvertisementBluetoothDevice device, {
  final List<String> requiredServices = const [],
  final List<String> optionalServices = const [],