writeValueWithResponse method
Will write a new value to the characteristic.
This will not update the WebBluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.value property.
Write a value and wait for the response of the device before continuing.
This method may not be implemented in the current browser version. Check this by calling hasWriteValueWithResponse. ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package Otherwise use writeValue.
May throw NativeAPINotImplementedError if the method does not exist.
May throw NotSupportedError if the operation is not allowed. Check properties to see if it is supported.
May throw SecurityError if the characteristic is blocked form writing using a blocklist.
May throw NetworkError if the GATT server is not connected.
May throw InvalidStateError if characteristic is null
ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
Future<void> writeValueWithResponse(final Uint8List value) async {
if (!hasWriteValueWithResponse()) {
throw NativeAPINotImplementedError("writeValueWithResponse");
final data = WebBluetoothConverters.convertUint8ListToJSArrayBuffer(value);
final promise =
_JSUtil.callMethod(_jsObject, "writeValueWithResponse", [data]);
await _JSUtil.promiseToFuture(promise);