authenticate static method

Future<String> authenticate({
  1. required String url,
  2. required String callbackUrlScheme,
  3. bool? preferEphemeral,

Ask the user to authenticate to the specified web service.

The page pointed to by url will be loaded and displayed to the user. From the page, the user can authenticate herself and grant access to the app. On completion, the service will send a callback URL with an authentication token, and this URL will be result of the returned Future.

callbackUrlScheme should be a string specifying the scheme of the url that the page will redirect to upon successful authentication. preferEphemeral if this is specified as true, an ephemeral web browser session will be used where possible (FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY on Android, prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession on iOS/macOS)


static Future<String> authenticate({required String url, required String callbackUrlScheme, bool? preferEphemeral}) async {
  if (!_schemeRegExp.hasMatch(callbackUrlScheme)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(callbackUrlScheme, 'callbackUrlScheme', 'must be a valid URL scheme');

  WidgetsBinding.instance.removeObserver(_resumedObserver); // safety measure so we never add this observer twice
  return await _channel.invokeMethod('authenticate', <String, dynamic>{
    'url': url,
    'callbackUrlScheme': callbackUrlScheme,
    'preferEphemeral': preferEphemeral ?? false,
  }) as String;