getTransactionReceipt method

Future<TransactionReceipt?> getTransactionReceipt(
  1. String hash

Returns the TransactionReceipt for hash or null if the transaction has not been mined.

To stall until the transaction has been mined, consider the waitForTransaction method.

final transaction = await provider!.getTransactionReceipt(

print(transaction); // TransactionReceipt: 0x4e04def6 from 0x1dFCD06a with 618 confirmations and 8 logs
print(transaction != null); // true
print(transaction is TransactionReceipt); // true


Future<TransactionReceipt?> getTransactionReceipt(String hash) async {
  final receipt =
      await call<_TransactionReceiptImpl?>('getTransactionReceipt', [hash]);
  if (receipt != null) return TransactionReceipt._(receipt);