getLogs method

Future<List<Log<_LogImpl>>> getLogs(
  1. EventFilter<_EventFilterImpl> filter

Returns the List of Log matching the filter.

Keep in mind that many backends will discard old events, and that requests which are too broad may get dropped as they require too many resources to execute the query.

// Create new BUSD BEP20 Token filter for specific topics
final filter = Filter(
  address: '0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56',
  topics: [

// Query logs for specified filter
final logs = await provider!.getLogs(filter);

print(logs.length); // 8
print(logs.first); // Log: 3 topics from 0x2ad2e409
print(logs.first is Log); // true


Future<List<Log>> getLogs(EventFilter filter) async =>
    (await call<List>('getLogs', [filter.impl]))
        .map((e) => Log._(e))