Flutter Build Actions Pub Package


Flutter plugin which allows users to create their own Apple Wallet Passes (as well as Google Cards).

Getting Started

Getting pass from URL and displays it on device

import 'package:flutter_wallet_card/flutter_wallet_card.dart';

bool isCardShown = await FlutterWalletCard.createPassFromUri(
  scheme: 'https',
  host: 'example.com',
  path: '/wallet.pkpass',
  parameters: {
    'someQueryParameter': 'someQueryValue'


Please feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues. I'll be glad to fix bugs you encountered or improve the extension.


At this moment some of key features are not working as intended to:

  • MercuryWork on Android Devices
  • Listen to onCardAdd iOS handler in order to check if card was added or not


Refer to the Changelog to get all release notes.