download method

  1. @override
Future<Response> download(
  1. String urlPath,
  2. dynamic savePath, {
  3. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters,
  5. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  6. bool deleteOnError = true,
  7. String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader,
  8. dynamic data,
  9. Options? options,

Download the file and save it in local. The default http method is 'GET', you can custom it by Options.method.

urlPath: The file url.

savePath: The path to save the downloading file later. it can be a String or a callback:

  1. A path with String type, eg 'xs.jpg'
  2. A callback String Function(HttpHeaders responseHeaders); for example:
 await,(HttpHeaders responseHeaders){
    return '...';

onReceiveProgress: The callback to listen downloading progress. please refer to ProgressCallback.

deleteOnError Whether delete the file when error occurs. The default value is true.

lengthHeader : The real size of original file (not compressed). When file is compressed:

  1. If this value is 'content-length', the total argument of onProgress will be -1
  2. If this value is not 'content-length', maybe a custom header indicates the original file size , the total argument of onProgress will be this header value.

you can also disable the compression by specifying the 'accept-encoding' header value as '*' to assure the value of total argument of onProgress is not -1. for example:

await, './example/flutter.svg',
options: Options(headers: {HttpHeaders.acceptEncodingHeader: '*'}),  // disable gzip
onProgress: (received, total) {
  if (total != -1) {
   print((received / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + '%');


Future<Response> download(
  String urlPath,
  savePath, {
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
  Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  bool deleteOnError = true,
  String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader,
  Options? options,
}) async {
  throw UnsupportedError('Unsupport download API in browser');