FlutterVolumeController class

A Flutter plugin to control system volume and listen for volume changes on different platforms.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

showSystemUI bool
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

addListener(ValueChanged<double> onChanged, {AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream, AudioSessionCategory category = _defaultAudioSessionCategory, bool emitOnStart = true}) StreamSubscription<double>
Listen for volume changes. Use emitOnStart to control whether volume value should be emitted immediately right after the listener is attached. Use onChanged to retrieve the updated volume level. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android. Use category to set the audio session category type on iOS.
getAndroidAudioStream() Future<AudioStream?>
Get the current audio stream on Android.
getIOSAudioSessionCategory() Future<AudioSessionCategory?>
Get the current audio session category on iOS.
getMute({AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<bool?>
Check if the volume is muted. On Android and iOS, we check if the current volume level is already dropped to zero. On macOS, Windows, Linux, we check if the mute switch is turned on. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
getVolume({AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<double?>
Get the current volume level. From 0.0 to 1.0. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
lowerVolume(double? step, {AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Decrease the volume level by step. From 0.0 to 1.0. On Android and Windows, when step is set to null, it will uses the default system stepping value. On iOS, macOS, Linux, if step is not defined, the default stepping value is set to 0.15. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
raiseVolume(double? step, {AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Increase the volume level by step. From 0.0 to 1.0. On Android and Windows, when step is set to null, it will uses the default system stepping value. On iOS, macOS, Linux, if step is not defined, the default stepping value is set to 0.15. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
removeListener() → void
Remove the volume listener.
setAndroidAudioStream({AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Set the default audio stream on Android. Adjusts to the audio stream whose volume should be changed by the hardware volume controls. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android. Docs: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioManager
setIOSAudioSessionCategory({AudioSessionCategory category = _defaultAudioSessionCategory}) Future<void>
Set the default audio session category on iOS. Adjusts to a different set of audio behaviors. Use category to set the audio session category type on iOS. Docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/avaudiosession/category
setMute(bool isMuted, {AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Mute or unmute the volume. On Android and iOS, we either set the volume to zero or revert to the previous level. On macOS, Windows, Linux, we control the mute switch. Volume will be restored once it's unmuted. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
setVolume(double volume, {AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Set the volume level. From 0.0 to 1.0. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
toggleMute({AudioStream stream = _defaultAudioStream}) Future<void>
Toggle between the volume mute and unmute state. Please refers to setMute for platform behaviors. Use stream to set the audio stream type on Android.
updateShowSystemUI(bool isShown) Future<void>
Control system UI visibility. Set isShown to true to display volume slider when changing volume. This setting only works on Android and iOS. Note: this setting doesn't control the volume slider invoked by physical buttons on Android.


eventChannel → const EventChannel
methodChannel → const MethodChannel