loadYoloModel abstract method

Future<void> loadYoloModel({
  1. required String modelPath,
  2. required String labels,
  3. required String modelVersion,
  4. bool? quantization,
  5. int? numThreads,
  6. bool? useGpu,

loadYoloModel: load YOLOv5 model from the assets folder

args: modelPath - path to the model file ,labelsPath - path to the labels file ,modelVersion - yolov5, yolov8 ,quantization - When set to true, quantized models are used, which can result in faster execution, reduced memory usage, and slightly lower accuracy. ,numThreads - number of threads to use for inference ,useGPU - use GPU for inference


Future<void> loadYoloModel(
    {required String modelPath,
    required String labels,
    required String modelVersion,
    bool? quantization,
    int? numThreads,
    bool? useGpu});