flutter_value_state library


Base class for handling value states.
State for error (may be linked with a ValueState or not)
An error with a ValueState as previous state
An error with a ValueState as previous state
Initial state before any processing. If all has been intialized and the action to get the value is started, then emit a WaitingState
State with no value (support null safety).
Initial state before any processing. If all has been intialized and the action to get the value is started, then emit a WaitingState
Abstract class for all states that a value, no value or error has been received.
StateVisitor<R, T>
Visitor base class to enhance states capabilities
State that provide the value.
Provide a ValueStateConfigurationData for all inherited widget to define default behavior for any state of BaseState except ValueState.
Define default behavior for the states WaitingState, NoValueState, ErrorState. builderDefault can be used when none of this callback is mentionned.
State for waiting value and there was no ReadyState before. Useful to handle waiting page before first value is displayed or when a user is disconnected.
Abstraction of a state with a value ValueState or ErrorState


mapState<T, F>(T? map(F from), BaseState<F> fromState, {BaseState<T>? currentState, WaitingMapperType<T>? mapInit, WaitingMapperType<T>? mapPending, RefreshingyMapperType<T>? mapNoValue, ErrorMapperType<T, F>? mapError}) BaseState<T>
Helper to map from a state to other state. Useful to map "default" states from original stream. The map argument contains a function that map the origin event from the stream to the value. If null is returned, then a NoValueState is emitted. Else a ValueState is emitted with the value returned inside. fromState is the origin state to map. If the optional parameter currentState is not null (default value), then the cubit emit the current state refreshing if original stream emit a refreshing state. Else, the refreshing is mapped from original stream. mapInit, mapPending, mapNoValue and mapError override the default behavior of the mapper.
performOnState<T, R>({required BaseState<T> state(), required PerfomOnStateEmitter<T> emitter, required PerfomOnStateAction<T, R> action, bool errorAsState = true}) Future<R>
Handle states (waiting, refreshing, error...) while an action is processed. state must return the state updated. If errorAsState is true and action raise an exception then an ErrorState is emitted. if false, nothing is emitted. The exception is always rethrown by performOnState to be handled by the caller.


ErrorMapperType<T, F> = BaseState<T>? Function(ErrorState<F> errorState)
OnValueStateDefault<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, BaseState<T> state)
OnValueStateError<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ErrorState<T> state)
OnValueStateNoValue<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, NoValueState<T> state)
OnValueStateWaiting<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, WaitingState<T> state)
OnValueStateWithValue<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, WithValueState<T> state, Widget? error)
OnValueStateWrapper<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, BaseState<T> state, Widget child)
PerfomOnStateAction<T, R> = FutureOr<R> Function(BaseState<T> state, PerfomOnStateEmitter<T> emitter)
PerfomOnStateEmitter<T> = FutureOr<void> Function(BaseState<T> state)
RefreshingyMapperType<T> = BaseState<T>? Function(bool refreshing)
WaitingMapperType<T> = BaseState<T>? Function()