useInterval function

void useInterval(
  1. VoidCallback callback, [
  2. Duration? delay = const Duration(milliseconds: 100)

A declarative interval hook based on Dan Abramov's article(ref link). The interval can be paused by setting the delay to null. ref link


void useInterval(
  VoidCallback callback, [
  Duration? delay = const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
]) {
  final savedCallback = useRef<VoidCallback>(() => {});

  // ignore: body_might_complete_normally_nullable
  useEffect(() {
    savedCallback.value = callback;

  // ignore: body_might_complete_normally_nullable
  useEffect(() {
    if (delay != null) {
      final timer = Timer.periodic(delay, (time) {
      return () => timer.cancel();
  }, [delay]);