openUrl method

dynamic openUrl(
  1. String url


openUrl(String url) async {
  String newUrl = url;

  // String pattern =
  //     r'(http|https)://[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+([\w.,@?^=%&:/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&/~+#-])?';
  // // String pattern = r"^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$";
  // RegExp urlRegExp = RegExp(pattern);

  // See if the Url can be improved
  // newUrl = newUrl
  //     .toLowerCase()
  //     .replaceAll("http://", "")
  //     .replaceAll("https://", "");

  // if (newUrl.contains('https://')) {
  //   newUrl = newUrl.toLowerCase().replaceAll("http://", "").replaceAll("https://", "");
  // }

  if (!newUrl.contains('https://') && !newUrl.contains('http://')) {
    newUrl = "https://${(newUrl)}";

  // See if Url is valid
  // Iterable<RegExpMatch> matches = urlRegExp.allMatches(newUrl);
  // if (matches.isEmpty) {
  //   return false;
  // }

  // Uri newUri = Uri(path: newUrl);

  // Launch if the url is valid
  // if (await launchUrl(Uri.parse(newUrl))) {
  await launchUrl(Uri.parse(newUrl));
  // return true;
  // } else {
  // return false;
  // }