checkAndWarnForLocale method

void checkAndWarnForLocale()

Checks if the Sheet has a "valid" locale for the translate formula.


void checkAndWarnForLocale() {
  /// Using , for formulas
  // all india variants: te_IN,kn_IN,hi_IN,
  // zh_HK,ar_EG,zh_CN,en_CA,es_MX
  // cy_GB,en_GB,en_US,mn_MN,ja_JP,iw_IL,
  final s = _sheet;
  if (s == null) return;
  final locale =;
  trace("Sheet's locale ${white(locale)} ");
  final valid1 = ['gb', 'us', 'il', 'in', 'cn', 'jp'].any(locale.endsWith);
  final valid2 = ['zh', 'en'].any(locale.startsWith);
  final valid3 = ['es_mx', 'ar_eg', 'mn_mn'].any(locale.startsWith);
  if (!valid1 && !valid2 && !valid3) {
fts uses the US format for the translation formula (using "," as separator instead of ";" )
Seems like your Google Sheet locale is set to ${}, which is
potentially incompatible and might show ${red("#ERROR!")} (Formula parse error.)

To fix this, open $spritesheetUrl
go to ${white("File > Settings")} and under ${white("General")}
set your Locale to ${cyan("United States")}.

Optionally, follow the steps on

  // trace("Super local", _sheet?.properties.locale);